Authors:Marty Noble Published on: 2003-01-17 Publisher: Courier Dover Publications Pages: 32 ISBN:0486423107 ISBN13: 9780486423104 Category:Design Books Rating: Total Buying 26 125 black-and-white images based on motifs in a wide array of sources: fairy tale collections, medieval French and Celtic manuscripts, Japanese and Chinese artwork, and more. Smoke-and-fire-breathing dragons, scaly creatures of the sea, powerful beasts endangering the lives of mariners, Celtic dragons with interwoven body parts, and much more.125 black-and-white images based on motifs in a wide array of sources: fairy tale collections, medieval French and Celtic manuscripts, Japanese and Chinese artwork, and more. Smoke-and-fire-breathing dragons, scaly creatures of the sea, powerful beasts endangering the lives of mariners, Celtic dragons with interwoven body parts, and much more. A room without books is like a body without a soul.